Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dog/Cat Licensing Deadline is Near

As a reminder, dogs and cats in the City of Milton must be licensed no later than April 1st in order to avoid a $10 penalty per animal. Now, that's only 4 days away. And, according to City records, there are still around 460 animals in the City that are not licensed.

Licensing must be done in person at City Hall, which is open 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday. We accept cash or check, and the fee is $8.00 for spayed or neutered dogs and cats and $15.00 for non-spayed or non-neutered dogs and cats. Dog and Cat owners must present a current rabies certificate when they purchase the licenses.

So, what happens if someone doesn't license their animal? Near the end of April a reminder post-card will be mailed to all non-renewed pet owners. If that does not result in the proper licensing, the Police Department will be notified and they will proceed with investigating the non-renewals. Obviously, the City's hope is that we can avoid this last step.

For more information you may contact City Hall at 868-6900 or by e-mail at