On Monday, November 29th at 7pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall, the City Council will be holding a public hearing on the proposed 2011 City of Milton Budget and Service Plan. The 2011 proposed draft budget outlines proposed service levels and the necessary taxing and spending to provide those service levels in our community.
The current proposed budget and service plan calls for a 1.95% increase in the tax levy from 2010. The plan is a product of several months of work by the Mayor, Council members and staff during budget workshops held in October and November. The purpose of the public hearing is to provide citizens the opportunity to voice any questions, concerns or comments they have about the proposed budget to the Mayor and the Council, prior to adopting a final budget for the upcoming calendar year. Residents and/or business owners with questions, concerns or comments or those who are merely interested in the proposed 2011 budget and service plan are encouraged to attend the public hearing.