First installments are due by January 31, 2016 to the Rock County Treasurer, PO Box 1508, Janesville, WI 53547.
Payments can be made in person at the Courthouse (51 S. Main Street in Janesville) or mailed to PO Box 1508, Janesville, WI 53547. Payments can also be made online with a credit card or electronic check through Rock County's website. It is highly encouraged to pay electronically to avoid mail delays and electronic checks only cost $1.00 and multiple parcels can be paid in one transaction.
All checks should be made out to Rock County Treasurer. Cash payments can only be accepted in person at the Courthouse.
If you have questions regarding the Lottery Credit, please call the Rock County Treasurer at (608)757-5670.
This blog is published by the Milton City Administrator as a way to share information about the City operations, programs and priorities.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
City of Milton Received Grant for Milton Area Veterans Memorial
![]() |
Dick Fry and Jarrett Goodman
accepting the grant award from Milton
Fund Advisory Board Member Bob
The 2016 expansion of the Milton Area Veterans Memorial includes the addition of two wings. This grant will specifically be used to fund one of the tablets on the new “Cost of Freedom” side of the memorial. The tablets will list two or three wars or conflicts and list the number of lives lost and the number of those who were wounded. For more information about this project please contact Milton City Hall at (608) 868-6900.
This grant is made available from the Milton Fund, an endowment fund created to benefit the community of Milton. The Milton Fund is a component of the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin.
For more information on how you can support your community through the Community Foundation, please call Jane Maldonis at (608) 758-0833 or 1-800-995-2379 or visit their website at The Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin serves nine Wisconsin counties: Crawford, Grant, Green, Iowa, Lafayette, Rock, Sauk, Vernon, and Walworth. For good. For ever.
For additional information contact Al Hulick, City Administrator, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
Friday, September 4, 2015
Be Ready this Labor Day Weekend - Great tips to keep you and your family safe
Whether you’re headed to the Great Northern Classic Rodeo in Superior, the Wisconsin State Cow Chip Throw in Prairie du Sac, or just a backyard barbeque with friends and family, everyone will try to take advantage of the last big summer holiday weekend. To help keep your Labor Day weekend safe, Wisconsin Emergency Management has some great tips.
“Planning ahead is key,” said Wisconsin Emergency Management Administrator Brian Satula. “Making sure you’re ready to meet some of the challenges of the holiday will help you and your family.”
- Summer heat and humidity will be back this weekend with temperatures forecast to remain in the 80’s Saturday and Sunday, with some cooling Monday. There is also a slight chance of severe storms Sunday in northwestern Wisconsin and Monday in southeast Wisconsin. Make sure you drink plenty of water and limit your alcohol and caffeine intake to help your body deal with the heat. Having a portable NOAA emergency weather radio will help you monitor the storms.
- When traveling to and from a holiday destination, never leave people or pets inside a parked car. Even with the windows cracked open, temperatures inside a vehicle can reach 100 degrees in less than 10 minutes.
- Make sure your car is in shape to make the trip. Having a first-aid kit, bottled water and some energy bars is a good idea in case you get stranded. A car adaptor for your cell phone is also a good idea in case you need to call for help.
- Schedule your road trip at times to help avoid the holiday travel madness. Leaving before rush hour Friday or early Saturday and driving back Monday before 4 p.m. or after 10 p.m. should make for less traffic hassles.
- We want everyone to come home safely on Labor Day. If you’re feeling tired, drank alcohol, or feel ill, either let someone else drive or postpone the trip.
- Check or call 511 for the latest traffic and road information on your route.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan Update and Junction Square Plan
Notice is hereby given that the City of Milton will hold a public hearing on October 6, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street.
The public hearing will be held to gather public input on the draft City of Milton Comprehensive Plan update and the draft Junction Square Plan.
The draft Comprehensive Plan is a blueprint for the short-range and long-range growth, redevelopment, and preservation of the City. It will be used by City officials as a policy guide to help make decisions regarding the growth and development of the City over the next 20 years.
The draft Junction Square Plan crafts a vision for the future of Junction Square, develops a redevelopment plan for the area, and establishes an implementation strategy to accomplish the plan’s recommendations.
Both plans are available for review at the following locations:
All written or electronic comments will be forwarded to the City of Milton City Council members for their consideration.
The public hearing will be held to gather public input on the draft City of Milton Comprehensive Plan update and the draft Junction Square Plan.
The draft Comprehensive Plan is a blueprint for the short-range and long-range growth, redevelopment, and preservation of the City. It will be used by City officials as a policy guide to help make decisions regarding the growth and development of the City over the next 20 years.
The draft Junction Square Plan crafts a vision for the future of Junction Square, develops a redevelopment plan for the area, and establishes an implementation strategy to accomplish the plan’s recommendations.
Both plans are available for review at the following locations:
- On the City’s website at
- At the City Clerk’s office (710 S. Janesville Street)
- At the Milton Public Library (430 E. High Street)
All written or electronic comments will be forwarded to the City of Milton City Council members for their consideration.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Open House for Comprehensive Plan Update and Junction Square Plan
The City of Milton invites you to participate in an Open House for the Comprehensive Plan Update and Junction Square Plan on Thursday, September 17th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Milton City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street.
At this Open House, we will share Milton’s master plan for Junction Square and the city’s plan for growth over the next 20 years and beyond. This is your best chance to see firsthand and comment on Milton’s plans and priorities for the future.
The draft plans are available to view on the City's website (
For additional information, contact City Administrator Al Hulick at (608) 868-6900 or by email at
At this Open House, we will share Milton’s master plan for Junction Square and the city’s plan for growth over the next 20 years and beyond. This is your best chance to see firsthand and comment on Milton’s plans and priorities for the future.
The draft plans are available to view on the City's website (
For additional information, contact City Administrator Al Hulick at (608) 868-6900 or by email at
Monday, August 31, 2015
Press Release - Create an Emergency Plan During National Preparedness Month
“The most important step you can take today is to make a plan,” said Wisconsin Emergency Management Administrator Brian Satula. “As part of National Preparedness Month, we’re encouraging families to put together a plan that includes information on where to go during an emergency and how to communicate with loved ones if separated in a crisis.”
This means having an up-to-date contact list for those you may need to reach during a disaster and establishing alternate methods of communication in case traditional means are not available.
Text messages are a great way to communicate. Phone voice service is easily overwhelmed due to the number of calls being placed and may be unavailable in an emergency. Cell phone text messages can still get through because they take less bandwidth to deliver.
Also, calling long distance may be easier than making a local call. Ask a friend or family member to be your “out of town” contact. You can let that contact know you’re ok. That contact can then share that information with your loved ones.
Getting information before, during, and after an emergency can be difficult. One of the best ways to get warnings of impending and current dangers is with a NOAA Weather Radio. These radios will alert you to storms headed your way. Other emergency information is also broadcast using this system. Emergency messages are also delivered directly to your cell phone through Wireless Emergency Alerts. These alerts are free and the software is preloaded on most cell phones. Through these alerts you’ll receive a short text message about the pending danger.
For more information go to ReadyWisconsin website:
Rock County Sheriff's Office Press Release - School Bus Safety
With the new school
year fast approaching, the Rock County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind all
drivers to adhere to all laws regarding the approach of a designated school
bus. School bus transportation is safe; however, according to the National
Coalition for School Bus Safety, 17,000 children are injured annually in school
bus-related traffic accidents nationwide. Nearly one-fourth of these accidents
occurred while children were boarding or exiting the school bus. Wisconsin law
is clear in that as a driver, if you approach a legally marked bus with
flashing red warning lights, you must:
At The Bus Stop:
Robert D. Spoden
- Stop at least 20 feet from the bus. This applies both to vehicles approaching from the rear and from opposing lanes.
- All lanes of traffic must stop for the school bus except in opposing lanes if the highway is divided with a center median.
- No vehicle may proceed until the bus resumes motion and turns off its flashing red warning lights.
- The stop arm on the bus is an added communication device for other drivers, but lack of the extended arm is not a reason to pass a bus whose red lights are still flashing.
At The Bus Stop:
- Always walk to the bus stop. Never run. Walk facing traffic.
- Have your child wait in a safe area away from traffic and the road.
- Stay away from the bus until it comes to a complete stop and the driver signals for your child to board. Watch for red flashing lights and the stop sign to be extended, and cross only when all traffic has stopped. Look left, right, and left again before crossing.
- When being dropped off, have your child take 10 giant steps away from the bus, remember that the bus driver can see your child better when they move away from the bus.
- Have your child always use the handrail when entering or exiting the bus and have them always remain seated until the bus stops.
- If you leave something on the bus, never return to the bus to get it. The bus driver may not see you come back, and they may begin moving the bus. Also, if you drop something near the bus, tell the bus driver before you attempt to pick it up so they will know where you are.
- Be aware of traffic on the roadway. Drivers are required to stop for all legal school buses; however, not all do. Have your child watch carefully before crossing the roadway. Remember that in rural areas the speed limit is higher which makes it more difficult for a driver to stop quickly.
Robert D. Spoden
Friday, July 31, 2015
Rock County Sheriff's Office - Be Aware of Possible Driveway Maintenance Scams
The Rock County Sheriff’s Office is reminding all citizens to be cautious of companies soliciting home maintenance services such as driveway sealing. While the Sheriff’s Office has not received recent complaints of fraud, complaints have been generated out of Lafayette and Green Counties.
Sheriff Spoden reminds you to be vigilant when companies come to your home and solicit business. Please do not contract with companies if you are unsure of their legitimacy.
Sheriff Spoden reminds you to be vigilant when companies come to your home and solicit business. Please do not contract with companies if you are unsure of their legitimacy.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
City of Milton Utility Bill Changes
The City of Milton is pleased to announce a change to all future utility bills. Beginning next week, July 15, residents will receive a paper utility bill in a regular letter size envelope. This will replace the postcards that have been sent in the past.
The new bills will provide more information to residents about their utility usage and will allow the City to provide other valuable communications to the community on a bi-monthly basis. The new bills will also include a courtesy envelope to send payments.
Along with the new paper utility bill, the City is offering electronic payment options and the option to go paperless. A sample bill and information regarding electronic payments can be found on the City’s website,
For additional information contact Dan Nelson, Finance Director / Treasurer, at 608-868-6900 ext. 3 or by e-mail at
The new bills will provide more information to residents about their utility usage and will allow the City to provide other valuable communications to the community on a bi-monthly basis. The new bills will also include a courtesy envelope to send payments.
Along with the new paper utility bill, the City is offering electronic payment options and the option to go paperless. A sample bill and information regarding electronic payments can be found on the City’s website,
For additional information contact Dan Nelson, Finance Director / Treasurer, at 608-868-6900 ext. 3 or by e-mail at
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Community Visioning Charrette for the Junction Square Plan and Comprehensive Plan Update
JUNE 22, 2015, 6:00-8:00PM
Community Visioning “Charrette”
for the Junction Square Plan
and Comprehensive Plan Update

When: Monday, June 22 from 6pm-8pm
Where: Milton West Elementary, 825 W. Madison Avenue
The City of Milton is creating a plan for Junction Square and is updating the citywide Comprehensive Plan. As part of the planning process, the City is hosting a visioning “charrette” to provide you with an opportunity to learn about preliminary plan ideas, share your input, and describe your vision for the future of the city. Some of the topics to be discussed include:
- Junction Square public space improvements
- New vision for Junction Square
- Communitywide vision for the City of Milton
This will be a lively, informal, and highly-interactive event with multiple opportunities for you to share ideas.
Please join us!
If you have any questions, please contact: City Administrator Al Hulick at (608) 868-6900 or
Parkview Drive Construction
The City of Milton will be repaving Parkview Drive this summer. Prep work has started, which includes concrete and utility improvements. The actual repaving work will begin on July 7th and should be concluded (weather permitting) by July 21st. During the project, Parkview Drive will remain open at all times. Additionally, the public parking lot along Parkview Drive near the Splash Pad will be repaved and restriped, but will remain open as well during the project.
If you have any questions about the project scope or timeline, please feel free to contact the Department of Public Works
at 868-6914 or City Hall at 868-6900.
If you have any questions about the project scope or timeline, please feel free to contact the Department of Public Works
at 868-6914 or City Hall at 868-6900.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Press Release - Attempted Telephone Scam Involving Back Taxes and Foreclosed Property
On June 9, 2015, the Rock County Sheriff’s Office received a report from the Rock County Treasurer’s Office of an attempted phone scam involving unpaid taxes and foreclosed property. The victim received a call from an unknown person claiming to be from the Rock County Treasurer’s Office and demanded the victim provide their credit card information over the phone in order to pay overdue taxes. The caller told the victim if they did not provide their credit card information, the Sheriff’s Office would foreclose and sell their property. According to the victim, the caller was extremely aggressive in trying to obtain their credit card information.
The victim did not give out any credit card information and reported the attempted scam to the Treasurer’s Office immediately.
Sheriff Spoden would like to remind everyone that Rock County will never ask for credit card information over the phone for any reason. The Treasurer’s Office also does not call citizens until they are at least three years past due on their taxes and they never take payments over the phone. The Treasurer’s Office uses a third party payment source called Gov Tech Services Inc. to collect all credit card tax payments. For more information on tax payments you can visit the Rock County Treasurer’s Office website at
If you receive a phone call from someone claiming to be from Rock County and they ask for any credit card information, do not give any information out and call the Sheriff’s Office to report the incident.
The victim did not give out any credit card information and reported the attempted scam to the Treasurer’s Office immediately.
Sheriff Spoden would like to remind everyone that Rock County will never ask for credit card information over the phone for any reason. The Treasurer’s Office also does not call citizens until they are at least three years past due on their taxes and they never take payments over the phone. The Treasurer’s Office uses a third party payment source called Gov Tech Services Inc. to collect all credit card tax payments. For more information on tax payments you can visit the Rock County Treasurer’s Office website at
If you receive a phone call from someone claiming to be from Rock County and they ask for any credit card information, do not give any information out and call the Sheriff’s Office to report the incident.
Press Release - Wisconsin Heat Awareness Day, June 11th
Heat can kill. That’s why Wisconsin Emergency Management, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the National Weather Service are reminding people of the dangers associated with extreme heat and to promote community safety and health. Heat Awareness Day is Thursday, June 11th.
Summer heat waves have been the biggest weather-related killers in Wisconsin for the past 50 years, far exceeding tornadoes, severe storms and floods combined. Heat is also a major weather-related killer in the United States. People at higher risk of a heat-related illness include:
Many victims of heat-related deaths are socially isolated maintaining little contact with family and friends. This is why it is vitally important to check in on family, friends, and neighbors during extreme heat, especially those who are particularly vulnerable, like families with very young children, the elderly, and people who are on medications that could make them more susceptible to injury from extreme heat.
Many cities and counties across Wisconsin open Cooling Centers during periods of extreme heat. These centers are a great place for people to come into an air conditioned facility and get some relief from the heat. ReadyWisconsin will post a list of open Cooling Centers on our website at
Stay informed on impending heat dangers by following us on Facebook and Twitter: and
For more information, visit
Summer heat waves have been the biggest weather-related killers in Wisconsin for the past 50 years, far exceeding tornadoes, severe storms and floods combined. Heat is also a major weather-related killer in the United States. People at higher risk of a heat-related illness include:
- Older adults
- Infants and young children
- People with chronic heart or lung problems
- People with disabilities
- Overweight persons
- Those who work outdoors or in hot settings
- Users of some medications, especially those taken for mental disorders, movement disorder, allergies, depression, and heart or circulatory problems.
Many victims of heat-related deaths are socially isolated maintaining little contact with family and friends. This is why it is vitally important to check in on family, friends, and neighbors during extreme heat, especially those who are particularly vulnerable, like families with very young children, the elderly, and people who are on medications that could make them more susceptible to injury from extreme heat.
Many cities and counties across Wisconsin open Cooling Centers during periods of extreme heat. These centers are a great place for people to come into an air conditioned facility and get some relief from the heat. ReadyWisconsin will post a list of open Cooling Centers on our website at
Stay informed on impending heat dangers by following us on Facebook and Twitter: and
For more information, visit
Monday, June 1, 2015
Alliant Energy Line Clearance Crews in Area
Alliant Energy will have line clearance crews in the Milton area within the next 12 weeks. Read more in the letter linked below:
Alliant Energy - Line Clearance Crews 2015
Alliant Energy - Line Clearance Crews 2015
Press Release - Siren Test Wednesday, June 3
Sheriff Spoden reminds all Rock County citizens that the monthly testing of the Outdoor Warning System occurs Wednesday, June 3rd at 12:05 pm. In the event of inclement weather, siren testing will be postponed until 12:05 pm on the second Wednesday of the month.
The test signal will be 1 - 2 minutes in duration. Please tune in to your local radio stations or weather radios for all weather related information and instructions when the sirens are sounded.
In the event of an actual tornado warning, the sirens sound steadily for three to five minutes. This lengthy alert tone will indicate that citizens should immediately take shelter and tune in to local broadcasting stations or weather radios for further information.
Test Signal vs. Tornado Warning
Citizens are reminded that they should not call the Rock County 911 Communications Center or local radio stations for weather information. If citizens find that the siren in their area is not working properly, please contact the Rock County Sheriff’s Office – Emergency Management Bureau at 608-758-8440. For further information on the Outdoor Warning System, please visit
The test signal will be 1 - 2 minutes in duration. Please tune in to your local radio stations or weather radios for all weather related information and instructions when the sirens are sounded.
In the event of an actual tornado warning, the sirens sound steadily for three to five minutes. This lengthy alert tone will indicate that citizens should immediately take shelter and tune in to local broadcasting stations or weather radios for further information.
Test Signal vs. Tornado Warning
- Test Signal: Steady tone lasting 1 – 2 minutes
- Tornado Warning: Steady tone lasting 3 – 5 minutes
Citizens are reminded that they should not call the Rock County 911 Communications Center or local radio stations for weather information. If citizens find that the siren in their area is not working properly, please contact the Rock County Sheriff’s Office – Emergency Management Bureau at 608-758-8440. For further information on the Outdoor Warning System, please visit
Friday, May 29, 2015
Milton Public Library Fundraiser and Summer Reading Program Kick Off
Experts say that kids can lose months of learning over their summer vacation. One way to avoid the summer slide is for kids to participate in a library summer reading program. These programs are a fun way to encourage and build children's reading and language skills.
The library will offer over 50 programs for kids, teens, and adults all summer long! Some of the programs include: Superhero Mini Golf, Spark Lab: Evil Villains Workshop, Spark Lab: Computer Coding for Kids, Lego Tuesdays, and more!
In the case of inclement weather, the kickoff event will be moved to Wednesday, June 17 at 1 p.m. For more information and a complete list of programs and events go to or call 608-868-7462.
Press Release - Rock County Sheriff Cops & Bobbers
Sheriff Spoden is pleased to announce, the date and time for the first Sheriff’s Office Cops and Bobbers event for 2015. Cops and Bobbers will be held at Anchor Inn, 718 E Hwy. 59, Edgerton WI. On June 23rd, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Fishing will take place on Lake Koshkonong and the Rock River. Registration will begin at 8:30 am and a parent/ guardian must be present.
There will be a total of 25 available spots for kids 7 years of age and up. These spots will be filled on a first come basis. Any parent/ guardian wishing to sign there kid(s) up for the event can do so online at
After completing the online registration, you will receive a confirmation email and additional registration information.
Kids participating in the event will receive an event t-shirt at the time of registration. Life jackets and fishing supplies will be provided during the event. Lunch will also be provided to kids and volunteers participating in the event.
The Sheriff’s Office is currently in the process of coordinating dates and times for additional events. An additional press release will be released once times, dates, and locations have been selected.
Additional information about the event and/or sponsorships can be found online at Please direct any additional questions to Deputy Krahn at 608-757-7932.
Robert D. Spoden
There will be a total of 25 available spots for kids 7 years of age and up. These spots will be filled on a first come basis. Any parent/ guardian wishing to sign there kid(s) up for the event can do so online at
After completing the online registration, you will receive a confirmation email and additional registration information.
Kids participating in the event will receive an event t-shirt at the time of registration. Life jackets and fishing supplies will be provided during the event. Lunch will also be provided to kids and volunteers participating in the event.
The Sheriff’s Office is currently in the process of coordinating dates and times for additional events. An additional press release will be released once times, dates, and locations have been selected.
Additional information about the event and/or sponsorships can be found online at Please direct any additional questions to Deputy Krahn at 608-757-7932.
Robert D. Spoden
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Purple Heart Monument and Gold Star Families Monument to be Unveiled on Memorial Day
Read more about the Milton Area Veterans Memorial and future plans in this Milton Courier article: Memorial Day: New memorials will be unveiled May 25.
Press Release: Kids Don't Float - Life Jacket Loaner Station
Sheriff Spoden is pleased to announce, the Rock County Sheriff’s Office has teamed up with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to offer the “Kids Don’t Float” life jacket loaner station. The purpose of this program is to promote safe boating and help ensure all boats are properly equipped with personal flotation devices, as the law requires.
The Sheriff encourages all boaters to complete a pre-inspection before launch to ensure all safety items are on board. Wisconsin Law requires all vessels (including canoes, kayaks, and paddleboards) must have at least one USCG- approved Type I, II, III, or V life jacket for each person on board. In addition to the requirement for life jackets, one USCG – approved Type IV PFD, must be on board vessels 16 feet or longer and be readily accessible. Life jackets must also be in good/serviceable condition and of proper size for the intended wearer.
If you find, after pre-inspection you are missing a required life jacket you will now be able to borrow one at no cost, and return it after use. This station is equipped with adult, children, infant, and Type IV personal floatation devices. This program is honor based, and Deputies will inspect the station weekly.
This project will start Memorial weekend and the station will be located at the Newville Public Boat Landing off of N. Ellendale Dr, until Labor Day. This will be the first “Kids Don’t Float” loaner station available in Rock County, and the Sheriff hopes to expand the project to additional public boat landings in 2016.
Please direct any questions to Deputy Krahn at 608-757-7932.
Robert D. Spoden
The Sheriff encourages all boaters to complete a pre-inspection before launch to ensure all safety items are on board. Wisconsin Law requires all vessels (including canoes, kayaks, and paddleboards) must have at least one USCG- approved Type I, II, III, or V life jacket for each person on board. In addition to the requirement for life jackets, one USCG – approved Type IV PFD, must be on board vessels 16 feet or longer and be readily accessible. Life jackets must also be in good/serviceable condition and of proper size for the intended wearer.
If you find, after pre-inspection you are missing a required life jacket you will now be able to borrow one at no cost, and return it after use. This station is equipped with adult, children, infant, and Type IV personal floatation devices. This program is honor based, and Deputies will inspect the station weekly.
This project will start Memorial weekend and the station will be located at the Newville Public Boat Landing off of N. Ellendale Dr, until Labor Day. This will be the first “Kids Don’t Float” loaner station available in Rock County, and the Sheriff hopes to expand the project to additional public boat landings in 2016.
Please direct any questions to Deputy Krahn at 608-757-7932.
Robert D. Spoden
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Civil War Living History Days - May 15-17

The event will kick off tomorrow with School Day from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Cannons will be fired every 20 minutes on Friday, and they are expecting approximately 2,500 students. Friday night there will also be a performance in front of the Milton House open to the general public.
Saturday's events will start with the Milton Lions Club Pancake Breakfast from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Company K will muster at College Green Park near the former Milton College Campus. The beer tent opens at 5 p.m. and the concerts starts at 7 p.m. with 21 Guns.
On Sunday there will be a morning worship service, and at 1 p.m. there will be a walking tour of the Milton Cemetery. Cannons will fire on Saturday and Sunday at Noon and 2 p.m.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Outdoor Warning System Testing May 6, 2015
Sheriff Spoden reminds all Rock County citizens that the monthly testing of the Outdoor Warning System occurs next Wednesday, May 6th at 12:05 pm. In the event of inclement weather, siren testing will be postponed until 12:05 pm on the second Wednesday of the month.
The test signal will be 1 - 2 minutes in duration. Please tune in to your local radio stations or weather radios for all weather related information and instructions when the sirens are sounded.
In the event of an actual tornado warning, the sirens sound steadily for three to five minutes. This lengthy alert tone will indicate that citizens should immediately take shelter and tune in to local broadcasting stations or weather radios for further information.
Test Signal vs. Tornado Warning
Citizens are reminded that they should not call the Rock County 911 Communications Center or local radio stations for weather information. If citizens find that the siren in their area is not working properly, please contact the Rock County Sheriff’s Office – Emergency Management Bureau at 608-758-8440. For further information on the Outdoor Warning System, please visit
The test signal will be 1 - 2 minutes in duration. Please tune in to your local radio stations or weather radios for all weather related information and instructions when the sirens are sounded.
In the event of an actual tornado warning, the sirens sound steadily for three to five minutes. This lengthy alert tone will indicate that citizens should immediately take shelter and tune in to local broadcasting stations or weather radios for further information.
Test Signal vs. Tornado Warning
- Test Signal: Steady tone lasting 1 – 2 minutes
- Tornado Warning: Steady tone lasting 3 – 5 minutes
Citizens are reminded that they should not call the Rock County 911 Communications Center or local radio stations for weather information. If citizens find that the siren in their area is not working properly, please contact the Rock County Sheriff’s Office – Emergency Management Bureau at 608-758-8440. For further information on the Outdoor Warning System, please visit
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Fire Hydrant Flushing Notice
Beginning May 1, 2015, Milton Water Utility will flush all fire hydrants in the City of Milton to make sure they are in good working order and to help flush sediment out of the distribution system.
If you notice flushing in your area, you may see discoloration in your faucet water, let it run for a few minutes, preferably from your outside hose connection, and it will clear up. The water is safe to drink. You may not want to do laundry on the day hydrants are flushed in your area.
If you have any questions, please call the City of Milton Water Department at 608-868-6905 or
City of Milton Department of Public Works at 608-868-6914 (Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Friday 7:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.).
If you notice flushing in your area, you may see discoloration in your faucet water, let it run for a few minutes, preferably from your outside hose connection, and it will clear up. The water is safe to drink. You may not want to do laundry on the day hydrants are flushed in your area.
If you have any questions, please call the City of Milton Water Department at 608-868-6905 or
City of Milton Department of Public Works at 608-868-6914 (Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Friday 7:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.).
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
County Y Closed E. McCormick to High Street May 4 - 22, 2015
Jim Babcock, Rock County Construction Superintendent, announced that County Y will be closed to through traffic from East McCormick Drive to High Street beginning Monday, May 4th for paving. The road is expected to be reopened by Friday, May 22nd. The road will be open to emergency vehicles and a detour route will be posted.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Milton Area Veterans Memorial Brick Order Deadline
The deadline to order bricks for the Milton Area Veterans Memorial in order to have them placed by Memorial Day is May 1, 2015 at 3:30 p.m.
The prices for the memorial bricks are as follows:
The Parks & Recreation Commission is planning a ceremony for Memorial Day, May 25, 2015 at 9 a.m. to unveil the Purple Heart Monument and the Gold Star Families Monument.
For additional information contact Al Hulick, City Administrator, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
The prices for the memorial bricks are as follows:
- 8x8 Brick - $85
- 16x8 Brick - $135
- 16x16 Brick - $235
The Parks & Recreation Commission is planning a ceremony for Memorial Day, May 25, 2015 at 9 a.m. to unveil the Purple Heart Monument and the Gold Star Families Monument.
For additional information contact Al Hulick, City Administrator, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Press Release - Slow-No-Wake Declared on Rock River
According to US Geological Survey Gauges, the water level for Lake Koshkonong is 8.35 feet, while the water level in Afton is 7.07 feet. County Ordinance requires a slow-no-wake speed restriction be placed on the Rock River when water levels exceed 8.0 feet on Lake Koshkonong and 6.50 feet in Afton.
The Sheriff’s Office is providing public notice of the Rock River’s current slow-no-wake status. Deputies will begin placing slow-no-wake signs along the river at all public access points between the northern Rock County line to the West B-R Town line Road Bridge.
County Ordinance requires a slow-no-wake speed restriction on any portion of the Rock River downstream from West B-R Town line Road Bridge to the southern Rock county line when the water levels exceed 8.5 ft. The water level has not exceeded 8.5 ft in this portion of the Rock River; therefore, West B-R Town line Bridge to the southern Rock county line, along with Lake Koshkonong will not be restricted to the slow-no-wake speed restriction.
By: Deputy Christopher Krahn
Recreational Patrol Deputy
The Sheriff’s Office is providing public notice of the Rock River’s current slow-no-wake status. Deputies will begin placing slow-no-wake signs along the river at all public access points between the northern Rock County line to the West B-R Town line Road Bridge.
County Ordinance requires a slow-no-wake speed restriction on any portion of the Rock River downstream from West B-R Town line Road Bridge to the southern Rock county line when the water levels exceed 8.5 ft. The water level has not exceeded 8.5 ft in this portion of the Rock River; therefore, West B-R Town line Bridge to the southern Rock county line, along with Lake Koshkonong will not be restricted to the slow-no-wake speed restriction.
By: Deputy Christopher Krahn
Recreational Patrol Deputy
Monday, April 13, 2015
Lunch-N-Learn Seminar - Incorporating the Arts into Downtown
Lunch-N-Learn Seminar
The Lunch-N-Learn - Incorporating the Arts into Downtown will take place on April 22nd at Charming B's, 819 E. High Street. Order lunch at Charming B's at 11:30 a.m. and join us in the Conference Room for an educational, live webinar that will begin on screen at Noon.
This webinar highlights strategies for incorporating the arts into the fabric of your community. Panelists will discuss strategies for incorporating arts into your district, your events, and your local culture. Whether you are looking to make connections with local artists, find inspiration for your next event or enliven your public spaces, information provided in this webinar can help expand the presence of the arts in your community.
Any questions: Please call MACC Executive Director Dani Stivarius at 608-868-6222.
For more details, please visit: Arts in Downtown Webinar Invite
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
First severe storms of season forecast for southern Wisconsin
The National Weather Service says a strong storm system is forecast to enter Wisconsin tomorrow afternoon. This system brings with it a chance for severe weather Thursday afternoon and evening, especially in southern Wisconsin. That severe weather may include thunderstorms with large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes.
Because this is the first severe weather of the season, people are urged to be ready for the threat of tornadoes. Make sure you have a NOAA Emergency Weather Radio in your home. Review your severe weather plans with your family including the best place to take shelter such as a basement. If you don’t have a basement, move to a small interior room or hallway on the lowest floor. Getting under a sturdy table or a staircase can protect you from falling debris.
For more information on storm preparedness go to ReadyWisconsin will also post any tornado watches or warnings on Facebook ( and Twitter (
Severe Weather Spotter Training: April 13, 2015
The Rock County Sheriff’s Office will host the annual Severe Weather Spotter Training on April 13th, at the Rock County Health Care Center. The training is provided by the Midwest Severe Storm Tracking Response Center (SSTRC) at no cost to the public. The presentation covers severe weather identification, reporting procedures and safety.
For more information about the Midwest Severe Storm Tracking and Response Center, please visit
2015 Severe Weather Spotter
Date: Monday, April 13, 2015
Location: Rock County Health Care Center – Auditorium, 3530 North County Highway F, Janesville, WI 53547-0920
Time: Registration opens at 6:00 pm. Training begins at 6:30 pm (2 hours)
- Learn about severe weather climatology in Wisconsin
- Identify and report severe weather
- Discover different types of storms and their threats
- Connect to Severe Weather Spotter Networks
- Gain knowledge about safety and emergency preparedness during storms
For more information about the Midwest Severe Storm Tracking and Response Center, please visit
MACC Hiring for Part-Time Office Assistant
Please send resume to:
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Tails n Trails Dog Park Clean Up – April 25, 2015
The Parks & Recreation Commission scheduled a Tails n Trails Dog Park Clean Up for Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. Any dog owners or general residents that use the park are encouraged to come and help the Parks & Recreation Commission.
Those who participate are encouraged to bring gardening gloves, dog waste shovels/scoops, and plastic bags for waste. Water to drink will also be beneficial depending on the weather.
For additional information contact Al Hulick, City Administrator, at (608) 868-6900 or by e-mail at
Those who participate are encouraged to bring gardening gloves, dog waste shovels/scoops, and plastic bags for waste. Water to drink will also be beneficial depending on the weather.
For additional information contact Al Hulick, City Administrator, at (608) 868-6900 or by e-mail at
Historic Preservation Commission to Host Webinars
The City of Milton Historic Preservation Commission will be hosting a viewing of a variety of Local History Webinar Workshops presented by the Wisconsin Historical Society this spring. All viewings will take place in the Council Chambers located at City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street. Anyone interested in learning more about the following topics are encouraged to attend:
For additional information contact Inga Cushman, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
- Introduction to Newspaper Research – Friday, April 10, 10:30 a.m. to noon: Newspapers serve as important resources for finding historical information. The key to unlocking this information is first knowing where to find the various newspaper titles and then knowing how to use the variety of databases and collections, including those at the Wisconsin Historical Society. Ron Larson, a newspaper librarian for 35 years, will offer insight into the world of newspaper collections and research.
- Introduction to PastPerfect 5 – Friday, April 17, 10:30 a.m. to noon: This webinar is ideal for museums considering purchasing PastPerfect 5, or for those who are just getting started with the collections management program. The webinar will cover the basic and optional features of PastPerfect 5 as well as cost, system requirements and options for support. We will also talk about where to buy associated hardware as well as some local options for grants to help pay for the program.
- Wisconsin Historical Society Affiliates Mini-Grants – Friday, April 24, 10:30 a.m. to noon: This webinar is for local history affiliates of the Wisconsin Historical Society who plan to apply for the Affiliate Mini-Grant. The webinar will provide important information to help ensure your 2015 mini-grant application is complete and competitive.
- Introduction to Digitization – Friday, May 1, 10:30 a.m. to noon: Thinking about sharing your historic photographs or other collections online? This webinar will introduce the essential elements of a successful digital project, including copyright concerns, scanning, storage, and access.
- Make Your Historic Preservation Ordinance Work for You – Friday, May 8, 10:30 a.m. to noon: To ensure effectiveness, historic preservation commissioners and local government officials need to fully understand their local historic preservation ordinance and how they fit in within the larger framework of local government. This webinar will explore how local governments enact historic preservation ordinances and how best to manage them once in place.
- How to Apply for a Certified Local Government Grant – Friday, May 15, 10:30 a.m. to noon: This webinar will provide you with an introduction in developing an application for a Certified Local Government (CLG) grant. CLG grants are used primarily to either survey your community for historic resources or to make a nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. CLG grants can be for as much as $25,000 and do not require a match. Only Certified Local Governments can apply.
- How to Maintain Your Historic Log Structure – Friday, May 22, 10:30 a.m. to noon: Log buildings are regarded by many Americans as rare and symbolic of our pioneering origins. Our ancestors have, in fact, constructed many more of them, and over a much longer period than most might realize. Learn about their historical background and the best approach toward their preservation and repair.
For additional information contact Inga Cushman, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
Monday, March 30, 2015
2015 Dog and Cat Licenses Due April 1st
Residents of the City of Milton are reminded that Dog and Cat licenses are due on or before April 1, 2015.
- Spayed or neutered dogs and cats: $8.00
- Non-spayed or non-neutered dogs and cats: $15.00
City Hall is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays. Residents can also place a copy of their rabies vaccination information and the required fee in the payment drop box located in front of City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street, and staff will mail a receipt and the license.
If you have any questions, please call City Hall at (608) 868-6900.
If you have any questions, please call City Hall at (608) 868-6900.
Outdoor Warning System: Siren Testing – April 1, 2015
Sheriff Spoden reminds all Rock County citizens that the monthly testing of the Outdoor Warning System resumes in April and continues through October. The sirens are tested at 12:05 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month unless Rock County is threatened with inclement weather at the time. In the event there is a chance of inclement weather, siren testing will be postponed until 12:05 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month.
The Rock County Outdoor Warning System will resume monthly siren tests on April 1, 2015 at 12:05 p.m. The test signal will be 1 - 2 minutes in duration. Please tune in to your local radio stations or weather radios for all weather related information and instructions when the sirens are sounded.
In the event of an actual tornado warning, the sirens sound steadily for three to five minutes. This lengthy alert tone will indicate that citizens should immediately take shelter and tune in to local broadcasting stations or weather radios for further information.
Test Signal vs. Tornado Warning
Citizens are reminded that they should not call the Rock County 911 Communications Center or local radio stations for weather information. If citizens find that the siren in their area is not working properly, please contact the Rock County Sheriff’s Office – Emergency Management Bureau at 608-758-8440. For further information on the Outdoor Warning System, please visit
The Rock County Outdoor Warning System will resume monthly siren tests on April 1, 2015 at 12:05 p.m. The test signal will be 1 - 2 minutes in duration. Please tune in to your local radio stations or weather radios for all weather related information and instructions when the sirens are sounded.
In the event of an actual tornado warning, the sirens sound steadily for three to five minutes. This lengthy alert tone will indicate that citizens should immediately take shelter and tune in to local broadcasting stations or weather radios for further information.
Test Signal vs. Tornado Warning
- Test Signal: Steady tone lasting 1 – 2 minutes
- Tornado Warning: Steady tone lasting 3 – 5 minutes
Citizens are reminded that they should not call the Rock County 911 Communications Center or local radio stations for weather information. If citizens find that the siren in their area is not working properly, please contact the Rock County Sheriff’s Office – Emergency Management Bureau at 608-758-8440. For further information on the Outdoor Warning System, please visit
By: Sgt. Shena Kohler #11519
Emergency Management
Monday, March 23, 2015
Voter ID and Absentee Voting Information
Voter ID Information
According to a press release from the State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, "Wisconsin voters will not be required to show a photo ID to vote at the April 7, 2015 Spring Election. The U.S. Supreme Court today (March 23rd) cleared the way for enforcement of Wisconsin’s 2011 voter ID law, but because the Spring Election is two weeks away, the Attorney General has advised state election officials not to implement it at the April 7 election."
Read more by following this link:
Absentee Voting Information
In-person Absentee Voting starts today, March 23rd, and will continue through April 3, 2015. If you would like to vote absentee, please come to City Hall located at 710 S. Janesville Street. City Hall office hours are 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Friday. City Hall will have extended hours on Friday, April 3, 2015 from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Absentee Voting Information
In-person Absentee Voting starts today, March 23rd, and will continue through April 3, 2015. If you would like to vote absentee, please come to City Hall located at 710 S. Janesville Street. City Hall office hours are 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Friday. City Hall will have extended hours on Friday, April 3, 2015 from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Registration Forms for 2015 Milton Independence Day Parade Available Now
Registration forms to participate in the 2015 Milton Independence Day Parade are now available at Milton City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street, and on the City of Milton website ( The Milton Independence Day Parade will take place on Saturday, July 4, 2015 at 1 p.m.
The 2015 parade theme is “Milton – Then & Now.” First, Second, and Third Place awards will be presented to parade participants for “Best Use of Theme.”
In an effort to assist with planning for the event, participants are asked to submit completed applications to City Hall by noon on June 19, 2015. In the interest of animal safety and to comply with requirements from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, parade entries with horses will be required to show documentation of the current Coggins test during parade line up on July 4th in order to participate in the parade. All motorized vehicles must be driven by a licensed driver. Parade officials will ask to see proof of a valid driver license during the parade line up on July 4th.
The Celebrate Milton Committee is also looking for volunteers to help at the parade by lining up parade participants. If you are interested, please contact Inga Cushman at 868-6900 or by e-mail at
For additional information contact Inga Cushman, Assistant to the City Administrator, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
The 2015 parade theme is “Milton – Then & Now.” First, Second, and Third Place awards will be presented to parade participants for “Best Use of Theme.”
In an effort to assist with planning for the event, participants are asked to submit completed applications to City Hall by noon on June 19, 2015. In the interest of animal safety and to comply with requirements from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, parade entries with horses will be required to show documentation of the current Coggins test during parade line up on July 4th in order to participate in the parade. All motorized vehicles must be driven by a licensed driver. Parade officials will ask to see proof of a valid driver license during the parade line up on July 4th.
The Celebrate Milton Committee is also looking for volunteers to help at the parade by lining up parade participants. If you are interested, please contact Inga Cushman at 868-6900 or by e-mail at
For additional information contact Inga Cushman, Assistant to the City Administrator, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
Friday, March 20, 2015
City of Milton Meetings - Week of March 23rd
Please visit our website for the packets for the following city meetings scheduled for the week of March 23rd:
Also next week:
- Library Board – Wednesday, March 25th at 7:00 p.m.
- Tourism Development Committee – Thursday, March 26th at 8:30 a.m.
Also next week:
- MACC Mayoral Candidate Forum – Monday, March 23rd at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street.
Historic Preservation Commission to Host Webinar: Archival Preservation Best Practices
The City of Milton Historic Preservation Commission will be hosting a viewing of a variety of Local History Webinar Workshops presented by the Wisconsin Historical Society this spring. The first webinar called “Archival Preservation Best Practices” will take place on Thursday, March 26, 2015 from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Council Chambers located at City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street. A full schedule of the webinars that will be offered will be available at a later date, and the viewing of the webinars is free to the public.
“Archival Preservation Best Practices” will introduce attendees to the best practices for preservation of collections. It will review what to consider when looking for storage space, how to store multiple types of collections in one place, and introduce some low-cost items that can improve your collection care.
For additional information contact Inga Cushman, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
“Archival Preservation Best Practices” will introduce attendees to the best practices for preservation of collections. It will review what to consider when looking for storage space, how to store multiple types of collections in one place, and introduce some low-cost items that can improve your collection care.
For additional information contact Inga Cushman, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
City of Milton Community Garden
The City of Milton Community Garden has 20 feet by 25 feet (500 square feet) plots available for resident to use after obtaining a $10 permit from the Department of Public Works. The Community Garden is located in the rear or west end of the Milton Cemetery off Janesville Street. The garden opens on May 1st of every year.
The Community Garden Rules, Regulations, and Permit Application are available on the City’s website, at City Hall (710 S. Janesville Street), and the Public Works Garage (150 Northside Drive).
For additional information, contact Brenda Mathews, Administrative Assistant, or Howard Robinson, Director of Public Works, at 608-868-6914 or by e-mail at or, respectively.
The Community Garden Rules, Regulations, and Permit Application are available on the City’s website, at City Hall (710 S. Janesville Street), and the Public Works Garage (150 Northside Drive).
For additional information, contact Brenda Mathews, Administrative Assistant, or Howard Robinson, Director of Public Works, at 608-868-6914 or by e-mail at or, respectively.
Rock County Clean Sweep 2015
Looking for a safe and affordable way to dispose of hazardous materials?
Consider using Rock County's Clean Sweep program. Follow this link to the Rock County Land Conservation - Clean Sweep webpage for more details:
The dates and locations for 2015 are:
Consider using Rock County's Clean Sweep program. Follow this link to the Rock County Land Conservation - Clean Sweep webpage for more details:
The dates and locations for 2015 are:
- Friday, June 12, 12 pm - 3 pm at City of Milton Public Works garage, 150 Northside Dr., Milton WI 53563
- Saturday, June 13, 8 am - 12 pm at City of Beloit Public Works garage, 2351 Springbrook Ct., Beloit WI 53511
- Friday, August 21, 12 pm - 3 pm at City of Evansville Public Works garage, 535 S. Madison St., Evansville WI 53536
- Saturday, August 22, 8 am - 12 pm at Rock County Public Works garage, 3715 Newville Rd., Janesville WI 53545
First Community Bank in Milton will also be hosting their Annual Community Shred Day Event on June 13th from 9 a.m. to noon. The event is free, but they will be collecting donations for the Milton Food Pantry.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Wisconsin’s Tornado & Severe Weather Awareness Week - April 13-17, 2015
Did you know that…
- Wisconsin averages 23 tornadoes annually.
- In 2014, 22 tornadoes were reported in Wisconsin by the National Weather Service. Eighteen of those tornadoes occurred in June. The strongest tornado in 2014 occurred on June 17 when an EF 3 tornado hit Verona in Dane County. At least 30 homes were damaged as well as the Country View Elementary School. The tornado traveled about a mile, had wind speeds of 136 to 165 mph and was on the ground for several minutes. An EF 2 touched down that same night in Platteville in Grant County. Several homes and businesses were damaged including the University of Wisconsin–Platteville.
- In 2013, 16 tornadoes touched down in Wisconsin including six tornadoes during the overnight hours of August 6-7. An EF 2 struck near New London in Waupaca and Outagamie counties injuring two people and caused millions of dollars in damage.
Important: The tornado drill will take place even if the sky is cloudy, dark and/or rainy. If actual severe storms are expected in the state on Thursday April 16, the tornado drill will be postponed until Friday, April 17 with the same times. If severe storms are possible Friday the drill will be cancelled. Any changes will be issued to local media as well as posted on the ReadyWisconsin website, Facebook and Twitter pages.
Please see the attachment for additional maps and information. More information is also posted at If you need further information, please contact your county or tribal emergency management director or Tod Pritchard at or 608-242-3324.
Tornado 2015 Media Packet.pdf
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 8, 2015
Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday as we “spring forward" and set clocks ahead one hour. Daylight Saving Time is also a great time to check the things that keep us safe and ready for emergencies. ReadyWisconsin urges you to check these items:
Smoke Detectors - Nearly 2,700 people die and more than 15,000 are injured each year because of fires that started in their homes. Now is the time to check and replace batteries if needed and make sure the devices around your house are working properly. The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission estimates that about 16 million homes in the country have smoke alarms that do not work. In most cases, the batteries are dead or missing. This is a great time to put fresh batteries in your smoke detector. You should also replace the entire smoke alarm unit every 8 to 10 years.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors - Just last month, 30 people were checked and treated for carbon monoxide poisoning when the gas filled a Park Falls movie theater. In December, several people became ill in a Wisconsin Dells ice arena due to a malfunctioning ice resurface machine. According to the Centers for Disease Control, carbon monoxide is the leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in the United States with more than 200 killed each year from overexposure to the gas. Never use gas or charcoal grills inside your home or an unventilated garage. Make sure you have CO Detectors and they are working. Now is also a good time to check and replace batteries in those units.
Emergency Kits - Daylight Savings Time is a perfect time to get a kit and if you already have a kit, check to make sure food and other items are not near or past their expiration dates. You should have supplies to last you and your family for at least three days. Other items like a battery powered or crank radio, flashlights, first aid kit should also be included.
Emergency NOAA Weather Radio - Spring brings the threat of tornadoes and severe weather. Make sure you have an emergency weather radio. It’s like having a tornado siren in your home. When it goes off, go to a safe place. Listen, Act and Live!
For more tips on how to prepare you and your family, please go to our website: You’ll find great information on how to get a kit and make a plan when disaster strikes.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Emerald Ash Borer Identified & Confirmed in City of Milton
On Friday, February 13, 2015, the presence of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) was identified and confirmed in Veterans Park on West High Street in the City of Milton. Department of Public Works staff brought their findings to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) who confirmed the findings to be EAB. The City of Milton now joins a growing list of Wisconsin communities where the insect has been detected.
Rock County, which includes the City of Milton, has been under an EAB quarantine since 2012 when the borer was found in the County. Other area counties included in the quarantine are Walworth, Jefferson, Dane, and Green. Residents should be aware that it is illegal to move firewood out of the EAB quarantined area, as it is the primary means for spreading the EAB. It is best to keep firewood onsite. Homeowners who would like more information on the EAB and the quarantine area, are interested in determining whether they have an ash tree on their property, or want information on how to protect your trees from EAB, should visit the City of Milton website at
In preparation for the EAB, Milton has not planted ash trees for the past few years on City property. The Milton Department of Public Works, Parks & Recreation Commission, and Common Council will work on a procedure for removal and replacement of Ash trees on City property. Terrace trees adjacent to private property and/or on private property are the responsibility of the property owner.
For additional information contact Howard Robinson, Director of Public Works, or Donnie Zimmerman, Working Foreman, at (608) 868-6914 or by email at and, respectively.
Rock County, which includes the City of Milton, has been under an EAB quarantine since 2012 when the borer was found in the County. Other area counties included in the quarantine are Walworth, Jefferson, Dane, and Green. Residents should be aware that it is illegal to move firewood out of the EAB quarantined area, as it is the primary means for spreading the EAB. It is best to keep firewood onsite. Homeowners who would like more information on the EAB and the quarantine area, are interested in determining whether they have an ash tree on their property, or want information on how to protect your trees from EAB, should visit the City of Milton website at
In preparation for the EAB, Milton has not planted ash trees for the past few years on City property. The Milton Department of Public Works, Parks & Recreation Commission, and Common Council will work on a procedure for removal and replacement of Ash trees on City property. Terrace trees adjacent to private property and/or on private property are the responsibility of the property owner.
For additional information contact Howard Robinson, Director of Public Works, or Donnie Zimmerman, Working Foreman, at (608) 868-6914 or by email at and, respectively.
Friday, February 13, 2015
City of Milton Meetings - Week of February 16th
Please visit our website for the packets for the following city meetings scheduled for the week of February 16th:
- Parks & Recreation Commission – Monday, February 16th at 6:00 p.m.
- Personnel & Finance Committee – Tuesday, February 17th at 6:45 p.m.
- Common Council – Tuesday, February 17th at 7:00 p.m.
***The Community Recognition Dinner is also taking place next week on Thursday, February 19th, at The Gathering Place. Tickets are $25 each and available at City Hall.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Community Recognition Dinner Award Recipients
The City of Milton will be awarding the following winners at the Commitment to Community Recognition Dinner on February 19, 2015. Tickets for the Community Recognition Dinner are $25 each and available at Milton City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street.
Police Officer of the Year – Ryan Justice The Police Department Command Staff unanimously chose Detective Ryan Justice as 2014 Milton Police Officer of the Year. Detective Justice was chosen because of the outstanding work he did in helping The Milton Police Department achieve accreditation in December 2014. Detective Justice took over mid-stream as accreditation manager after the departure of Lt. Brad Smith in September 2013.
Citizen Heroism Award – Ryan D. Koenig The City of Milton recognizes Ryan Koenig with the Citizen Heroism Award for his efforts in preventing an intoxicated driver from leaving an establishment in Milton until police officers arrived to the scene. Blood alcohol tests were later received showing the driver was a .281 bac when tested after attempting to drive from the scene. Legal proof of intoxicated operation of a motor vehicle in Wisconsin is .08. The driver had recently been arrested in Janesville for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated with several small children in the vehicle. Ryan is to be commended for physically preventing the driver from leaving the scene in her vehicle and possibly causing injury to herself or some other motorist or pedestrian. Ryan showed concern for the driver upon initially observing her, and later determining that she was incapacitated and should not re-enter the vehicle. It would have been easy to just say it wasn’t his business and leave it up to someone else to intervene; however, Ryan did the right thing and he is an example to others for his exemplary behavior.
Community Award – William Wallisch The City of Milton recognizes William Wallisch with a Community Award for his efforts to assist the Milton Police Department in apprehending two males who were arrested for theft. William contacted 911 when he noticed two males checking the door handles on numerous vehicles. He told the officer what he observed. The officer pulled the vehicle over and detained the two subjects inside. Confessions were received from both males that they had gone through 15 to 20 unlocked vehicles and that they had stolen cell phones and money from them. The stolen items were recovered from their vehicle and they were both arrested for theft. William is to be commended for his alert response to this crime as it occurred and his detailed description of the subjects and their vehicle. Not only did William identify a possible crime in progress, but he actively watched the subjects and kept an eye on them until they got into a vehicle and left the area. Without William’s observations and eye for detail, the Milton Police Department would not have been able to identify these subjects and stop a crime in progress.
Historic Preservation Award – Terry Williamson The Historic Preservation Commission recognizes Terry Williamson with the Historic Preservation Award. In 1997, Terry and her husband Joe purchased Goodrich Hall and began an 18 year renovation and continual maintenance on the building, which is part of the Milton College Historic District. Terry wrote a grant in 1999 to replace the Milton College Historic District Sign on the corner of High and Columbus, and she also joined the Milton College Preservation Society Board for which she has served as secretary and is currently treasurer. Terry also serves on the Historic Preservation Commission and has been a member since 2010. In 2013, Terry and Joe purchased a second historic building, the Goodrich House, and started renovations. She has also worked with the Historic Preservation Commission to list the property on the National Register of Historic Places. Terry’s love for history and preservation continues into her job in selling antiques. The Historic Preservation Commission is appreciative of all of her work to help preserve Milton’s history.
Library Volunteer of the Year Award – Ruth Wivo Volunteers play an important role as partners in the Library’s mission and ability to provide the many services it does to the community. Last year over 30 volunteers worked 1,100 hours at the Milton Public Library. Ruth Wivo has worked at the Milton Public Library for over 21 years, under 3 different Library Directors, and longer than many city employees. She single-handedly maintains and organizes the thousands of books donated each year for our Friends of the Library book sale. Ruth also organizes the many volunteers who spend several days setting up and taking down the sale each year. Her minute attention to detail allows book sale visitors to find books easily and subsequent sales provide thousands of dollars of income for the library each year. Ruth contributes her time, talents, and hard work for over 200 hours a year, and her efforts help to raise over $2, 500 for library services and programs each year.
Community Award – Rick Mullen Every year, Rick Mullen donates hundreds of hours to the Milton Police Department by volunteering to help maintain the Prescription Drug Drop-Off Box. The Milton Police Department is appreciative of his time and continued commitment to this important service for the Milton community.
Community Award – Kim Powers with Kim’s Kloset Kim Powers with Kim’s Kloset helps various nonprofit organizations in the Milton community with fundraisers including the Milton Lions Club and Moms on a Mission Exchange (MOME). She hosts fill-a-bag sales at her business, Kim’s Kloset, where people are invited to fill a paper grocery bag with as many items as they can fit in the bag and pay $10. Kim donates all of the earnings from these sales to the nonprofit organization hosting the sale. As a member of the new Milton Lions Club, Kim has also donated her time to the organization.
Community Award – James Bostwick James Bostwick has been a long standing member of the Parks & Recreation Commission. He helped extensively with fundraising efforts for the Tails n Trails Dog Park and currently assists with fundraising for the Milton Area Veterans Memorial. James helps at all of the Parks & Recreation Commission events including last year’s Build Day for the Crossridge Park Playground and the Tails n Trails Dog Park Clean Ups. He also volunteers his time through the American Legion. The City of Milton appreciates his continued commitment to the parks in the Milton community.
Community Youth Award – Marci Mitchell-Hallett The City of Milton recognizes Marci Mitchell-Hallett for her efforts in raising funds and bringing awareness to multiple sclerosis. Marci organized the MS Lock-In “Staying the Night to End the Fight” on December 6, 2014 with the help of the student council. All proceeds from the event went to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Wisconsin Chapter. Marci engaged the Milton community both inside and outside the school building. She had the courage to talk about multiple sclerosis and the fundraiser in an all-student assembly, at a monthly Milton Area Chamber of Commerce (MACC) meeting, and local media outlets. The event raised more than $3,250.
Employee of the Year – Leanne Schroeder The City of Milton recognizes Leanne Schroeder as Employee of the Year. She is a part-time employee, but during the transition period between City Clerks she worked full-time in order to fulfill departmental needs. Additionally, Leanne helped immensely during the move into the new City Hall. Leanne worked many long hours and did an amazing job during the interim period. Leanne’s commitment, professionalism, and willingness to always go the extra mile have made her an incredibly valuable member of our team at the City of Milton.
For additional information contact Al Hulick, City Administrator, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
Police Officer of the Year – Ryan Justice The Police Department Command Staff unanimously chose Detective Ryan Justice as 2014 Milton Police Officer of the Year. Detective Justice was chosen because of the outstanding work he did in helping The Milton Police Department achieve accreditation in December 2014. Detective Justice took over mid-stream as accreditation manager after the departure of Lt. Brad Smith in September 2013.
Citizen Heroism Award – Ryan D. Koenig The City of Milton recognizes Ryan Koenig with the Citizen Heroism Award for his efforts in preventing an intoxicated driver from leaving an establishment in Milton until police officers arrived to the scene. Blood alcohol tests were later received showing the driver was a .281 bac when tested after attempting to drive from the scene. Legal proof of intoxicated operation of a motor vehicle in Wisconsin is .08. The driver had recently been arrested in Janesville for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated with several small children in the vehicle. Ryan is to be commended for physically preventing the driver from leaving the scene in her vehicle and possibly causing injury to herself or some other motorist or pedestrian. Ryan showed concern for the driver upon initially observing her, and later determining that she was incapacitated and should not re-enter the vehicle. It would have been easy to just say it wasn’t his business and leave it up to someone else to intervene; however, Ryan did the right thing and he is an example to others for his exemplary behavior.
Community Award – William Wallisch The City of Milton recognizes William Wallisch with a Community Award for his efforts to assist the Milton Police Department in apprehending two males who were arrested for theft. William contacted 911 when he noticed two males checking the door handles on numerous vehicles. He told the officer what he observed. The officer pulled the vehicle over and detained the two subjects inside. Confessions were received from both males that they had gone through 15 to 20 unlocked vehicles and that they had stolen cell phones and money from them. The stolen items were recovered from their vehicle and they were both arrested for theft. William is to be commended for his alert response to this crime as it occurred and his detailed description of the subjects and their vehicle. Not only did William identify a possible crime in progress, but he actively watched the subjects and kept an eye on them until they got into a vehicle and left the area. Without William’s observations and eye for detail, the Milton Police Department would not have been able to identify these subjects and stop a crime in progress.
Historic Preservation Award – Terry Williamson The Historic Preservation Commission recognizes Terry Williamson with the Historic Preservation Award. In 1997, Terry and her husband Joe purchased Goodrich Hall and began an 18 year renovation and continual maintenance on the building, which is part of the Milton College Historic District. Terry wrote a grant in 1999 to replace the Milton College Historic District Sign on the corner of High and Columbus, and she also joined the Milton College Preservation Society Board for which she has served as secretary and is currently treasurer. Terry also serves on the Historic Preservation Commission and has been a member since 2010. In 2013, Terry and Joe purchased a second historic building, the Goodrich House, and started renovations. She has also worked with the Historic Preservation Commission to list the property on the National Register of Historic Places. Terry’s love for history and preservation continues into her job in selling antiques. The Historic Preservation Commission is appreciative of all of her work to help preserve Milton’s history.
Library Volunteer of the Year Award – Ruth Wivo Volunteers play an important role as partners in the Library’s mission and ability to provide the many services it does to the community. Last year over 30 volunteers worked 1,100 hours at the Milton Public Library. Ruth Wivo has worked at the Milton Public Library for over 21 years, under 3 different Library Directors, and longer than many city employees. She single-handedly maintains and organizes the thousands of books donated each year for our Friends of the Library book sale. Ruth also organizes the many volunteers who spend several days setting up and taking down the sale each year. Her minute attention to detail allows book sale visitors to find books easily and subsequent sales provide thousands of dollars of income for the library each year. Ruth contributes her time, talents, and hard work for over 200 hours a year, and her efforts help to raise over $2, 500 for library services and programs each year.
Community Award – Rick Mullen Every year, Rick Mullen donates hundreds of hours to the Milton Police Department by volunteering to help maintain the Prescription Drug Drop-Off Box. The Milton Police Department is appreciative of his time and continued commitment to this important service for the Milton community.
Community Award – Kim Powers with Kim’s Kloset Kim Powers with Kim’s Kloset helps various nonprofit organizations in the Milton community with fundraisers including the Milton Lions Club and Moms on a Mission Exchange (MOME). She hosts fill-a-bag sales at her business, Kim’s Kloset, where people are invited to fill a paper grocery bag with as many items as they can fit in the bag and pay $10. Kim donates all of the earnings from these sales to the nonprofit organization hosting the sale. As a member of the new Milton Lions Club, Kim has also donated her time to the organization.
Community Award – James Bostwick James Bostwick has been a long standing member of the Parks & Recreation Commission. He helped extensively with fundraising efforts for the Tails n Trails Dog Park and currently assists with fundraising for the Milton Area Veterans Memorial. James helps at all of the Parks & Recreation Commission events including last year’s Build Day for the Crossridge Park Playground and the Tails n Trails Dog Park Clean Ups. He also volunteers his time through the American Legion. The City of Milton appreciates his continued commitment to the parks in the Milton community.
Community Youth Award – Marci Mitchell-Hallett The City of Milton recognizes Marci Mitchell-Hallett for her efforts in raising funds and bringing awareness to multiple sclerosis. Marci organized the MS Lock-In “Staying the Night to End the Fight” on December 6, 2014 with the help of the student council. All proceeds from the event went to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Wisconsin Chapter. Marci engaged the Milton community both inside and outside the school building. She had the courage to talk about multiple sclerosis and the fundraiser in an all-student assembly, at a monthly Milton Area Chamber of Commerce (MACC) meeting, and local media outlets. The event raised more than $3,250.
Employee of the Year – Leanne Schroeder The City of Milton recognizes Leanne Schroeder as Employee of the Year. She is a part-time employee, but during the transition period between City Clerks she worked full-time in order to fulfill departmental needs. Additionally, Leanne helped immensely during the move into the new City Hall. Leanne worked many long hours and did an amazing job during the interim period. Leanne’s commitment, professionalism, and willingness to always go the extra mile have made her an incredibly valuable member of our team at the City of Milton.
For additional information contact Al Hulick, City Administrator, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Public Input Opportunity for City of Milton Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
The Parks & Recreation Commission is working on updating the Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (CORP), which will allow the City to apply for grants for projects through the Department of Natural Resources and other state agencies. In order to gather public input about the parks in the community, the commission will host a public input session on February 16, 2015 at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street. The input session will be held in conjunction with the commission’s regularly scheduled meeting.
For additional information contact Inga Cushman, Assistant to the City Administrator, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
The Gathering Place Valentine's Party
The Gathering Place invites you to their Valentine's Party on Saturday, February 14th. Cocktails are at 6 p.m., and the spaghetti dinner with salad, garlic bread basket, and dessert will start at 7 p.m.
The cost is $15, and reservations are required.
For more information and to make reservations, call The Gathering Place at (608) 868-3500.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
City of Milton Meetings - Week of January 26th
Please visit our website for the packets for the following city meetings scheduled for the week of January 26th:
- Economic Development Commission – Tuesday, January 27th at 10:00 a.m.
- Library Board – Wednesday, January 28th at 7:00 p.m.
- Tourism Development Committee – Thursday, January 29th at 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Proposal Request: Comprehensive Plan Update and Merchant Row Downtown Plan Update
The City of Milton is seeking qualified proposals for the
update to the City’s 2008 Comprehensive Plan and an update to the City’s
Merchant Row Downtown Plan. Interested applicants are encouraged to
submit proposals to complete both tasks concurrently, but the City will accept
proposals that split the work into separate tasks.
Qualified firms can
contact City Administrator Al Hulick at (608) 868-6900 or by email at for more information and submittal
requirements before January 31, 2015.
FREE Workshop – Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits in Wisconsin
The City of Milton along with the Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, and Wisconsin Department of Revenue, will be hosting a Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits in Wisconsin Workshop on February 23, 2015 at 2 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The registration form is available at
This FREE, 2 hour workshop is open to all Wisconsin residents, and will focus on the use of state and federal historic rehabilitation tax credits for income-producing buildings in the state. It will cover both the state and federal 20% tax credits, the federal 10% non-historic credit, the Secretary of Interior Standards for Rehabilitation, eligible properties, eligible expenses, minimum investment requirements, transferability rules, and application processes.
For additional information contact Inga Cushman, Assistant to the City Administrator, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
This FREE, 2 hour workshop is open to all Wisconsin residents, and will focus on the use of state and federal historic rehabilitation tax credits for income-producing buildings in the state. It will cover both the state and federal 20% tax credits, the federal 10% non-historic credit, the Secretary of Interior Standards for Rehabilitation, eligible properties, eligible expenses, minimum investment requirements, transferability rules, and application processes.
For additional information contact Inga Cushman, Assistant to the City Administrator, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
Public Input Opportunity for City of Milton Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
The Parks & Recreation Commission is working on updating the Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (CORP), which will allow the City to apply for grants for projects through the Department of Natural Resources and other state agencies. In order to gather public input about the parks in the community, the commission will host a public input session on February 16, 2015 at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street. The input session will be held in conjunction with the commission’s regularly scheduled meeting.
For additional information contact Inga Cushman, Assistant to the City Administrator, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
For additional information contact Inga Cushman, Assistant to the City Administrator, at 608-868-6900 or by e-mail at
Community Recognition Dinner – February 19, 2015
The City of Milton will host the 2nd Annual Community Recognition Dinner on February 19, 2015. This event will serve to recognize citizens and city employees that have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to the Milton community through their actions in 2014. In addition, the Milton Police Department will receive their WILEAG Accreditation plaque that will be displayed at the Milton Police Department. The Milton Police Department is one of only 24 agencies in Wisconsin who have obtained WILEAG Accreditation.
The Community Recognition Dinner will be held at The Gathering Place, 715 Campus Street. Tickets are $25 each, and are available at City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street.
The cash bar will open at 6 p.m., dinner will start at 6:30 p.m., and the program will begin at 7 p.m. Dinner and hors d'oeuvres have been provided by Cowley’s Piggly Wiggly in Milton.
The City is also seeking nominations for Community Awards. These awards will be given to any citizen, city employee, non-profit organization, or business that has shown an exemplary commitment to the community by way of time, resources, or extraordinary commitment to the betterment of Milton. Please submit nominations by February 2, 2015 to City Administrator Al Hulick at City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street, or by email at
For additional information contact Al Hulick, City Administrator, at (608) 868-6900 or by e-mail at
The Community Recognition Dinner will be held at The Gathering Place, 715 Campus Street. Tickets are $25 each, and are available at City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street.
The cash bar will open at 6 p.m., dinner will start at 6:30 p.m., and the program will begin at 7 p.m. Dinner and hors d'oeuvres have been provided by Cowley’s Piggly Wiggly in Milton.
The City is also seeking nominations for Community Awards. These awards will be given to any citizen, city employee, non-profit organization, or business that has shown an exemplary commitment to the community by way of time, resources, or extraordinary commitment to the betterment of Milton. Please submit nominations by February 2, 2015 to City Administrator Al Hulick at City Hall, 710 S. Janesville Street, or by email at
For additional information contact Al Hulick, City Administrator, at (608) 868-6900 or by e-mail at
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