Friday, May 31, 2013

Update on the STH 26 Bypass Project

Below is information that the City received regarding the STH 26 Bypass work. 

The concrete paving work for the Milton Bypass will be starting next week. The paving contractor has mentioned that they will be starting somewhere between Monday and Wednesday of next week (weather dependent). They are starting in the SB lanes at the south end of the project by the new Henke Rd bridge and will proceed north to CTH N. The paver will then turn around and pave the NB lanes from north to south. Ramps at CTH N and STH 59 will be poured as cure time for the concrete allows. 

With the paving operation, the contractor must get on the new slab very early after the concrete is placed and sawcut relief joints in the pavement (standard practice). This work will most likely be going on into the night. I wanted everyone aware that this work will be taking place at night. The sawing work is very critical to the pavement performance to control cracking. 

Overall, the mainline paving operation should take about 5 days for the SB lanes and another 5 days for NB lanes. Ramps and all the tie-ins to the bridges will also be taking place as cure time allows. Concrete work should be taking place most of June and into July potentially.