Monday, April 26, 2010

City of Milton Businesses Honored for Preventing Youth Tobacco Purchases

Below is the text from a recent press release from Milton Police Chief Jerry Schuetz regarding Milton businesses being honored for preventing youth tobacco purchases. Pictured to the left is Sherry Fisher from Rock County Youth2youth presenting Mayor Chesmore with a certificate of excellence.

On April 20th, 2010 the City of Milton was honored by the Rock County Youth2youth tobacco prevention coalition for its successful efforts in preventing tobacco sales to those under the age of 18. Sherry Fisher from Rock County Youth2youth presented Mayor Chesmore with a certificate of excellence for having 100% compliance from our tobacco retailers in the City for the second consecutive year in a row.

The Rock County Youth2youth tobacco prevention coalition partners with the City of Milton Police Department to conduct compliance checks on an annual basis. The compliance checks ensure that retailers are checking for proper identification when a young person goes to purchase a tobacco product, and also ensures that retailers are not selling tobacco products to those under the age of 18. The City of Milton has had 100% compliance in these checks for the past two years, indicating that no retailer sold to an underage person during the compliance checks. The City of Milton is the first community in Rock County to accomplish this feat, and earn such distinction.

The award will be displayed in the lobby at the Milton Police Department. In early April of this year after the compliance checks were completed, the Milton PD sent congratulation letters to each successful business, thanking them for their continued successful efforts in preventing tobacco sales to those under the age of 18.