Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Press Release - Update on Ethanol Tanker Truck and Trailer that Overturned in Milton

Below is a press release from Milton Police Lieutenant John Conger from today, November 27, 2012.

As a result of this morning’s incident in which a tanker truck filled with ethanol overturned, State Highway 59 East of Milton remains closed. The roadway is expected to be closed well into the evening. 

Officials on scene have determined the safest course of action is to allow the ethanol to leak out naturally, rather than introducing any apparatus that could potentially cause a fire hazard. The ethanol is draining into a retention pond which is adjacent to where the incident took place. 

It is estimated there were approximately 8,000 gallons of ethanol on board, and it is draining in excess of 10 gallons per minute. 

The Wisconsin State Patrol is assisting in the investigation, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is on scene to assist with the environmental impact assessment. 

Officials monitoring the air quality have determined that those people earlier evacuated from businesses and residences can return, however, they should shelter in place.

There is no danger to anybody outside of a 500 ft. radius of the incident site.