We will accept tax payments with a December 31st postmark to be credited in 2010.
I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable time ringing in the new year!
This blog is published by the Milton City Administrator as a way to share information about the City operations, programs and priorities.
The Milton Historical Society will be holding its Annual Twilight Tours, this Saturday, September 18, from 7 to 9 p.m. Tour a National Historic Landmark, The Milton House, in the evening by lamplight.
This year the tour will focus on the plight of the fugitive slaves seeking refuge with the Goodrich family. Ticket prices are $4.00 adults, $2.00 children, for this once a year event. After the tour enjoy the Goodrich Square Celebration taking place in the Tomah Room. There will be wine tasting, food, raffle items, music, and so much more! The Milton Historical Society/Milton House Museum is located at 18 S Janesville Street, Milton.
For additional information or to schedule a tour of the Milton House Museum please contact The Milton Historical Society at 608-868-7772.
We also remain committed to our participation in the nationwide law enforcement initiative, the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. Since joining the task force in early 2009 our agency has arrested four adult individuals that traveled to our community with the intent to have sexual relations with what they believed to be a 15 year old female girl. This should not be considered a victimless crime, as these predators will continue to troll the internet until they fulfill their desire to have sexual contact with a child. While the internet continues to evolve and our children have communication devices that evolve, we feel it is important to aggressively investigate online predators that intend to harm children, as well as provide the community with tips to keep their children safe. We encourage all parents to communicate these safety tips as well as have conversations about sexting, social networking, and appropriate use of the internet and cell phones.
If you have any questions feel free to contact City Hall at 868-6900 or the Rock County Treasurer's Office at 757-5670.
On July 6th the City Council heard a presentation from General Engineering who recently completed our Public Works Facility Needs and Site Selection study. For those who are interested, I have uploaded the report to the City website. Click on the following links for more information:
A related article was also recently published in the Milton Courier: http://www.miltoncourieronline.com/main.asp?SectionID=7&SubSectionID=7&ArticleID=1315,
I want to be clear that this DOES NOT mean that the City has already decided to build a new building. The Council has made no official decision on this project, however it will be discussed at future meetings. Citizens will have opportunity to provide input and direction as the City considers possible plans for this and other facility improvements. In fact, if any citizens who would like to be more directly involved in City facility issues there are opportunities to participate. Please contact me for more information at 868-6900 or tschmidt@ci.milton.wi.us.
So, I'm sorry to say that the carnival is a no-go in 2010. I hope everyone is able to enjoy the other activities that are happening throughout the weekend. Click on this link for more information: http://miltonmatters.blogspot.com/2010/06/milton-fourth-of-july-celebration.html.
The Open House format will give people the opportunity to drop-in anytime between 6pm and 8pm to review the key recommendations and design concepts, which will be displayed around the room. Consultants and city staff will be on hand to answer any questions and take any suggestions.
Effective June 1st, 2010 the State of Wisconsin began requiring drivers operating a motor vehicle to have auto insurance and to carry with them proof of that insurance. What this means for our drivers is that should you have the opportunity to meet one of our police officers via either a traffic stop or at a motor vehicle accident, the Officer will be asking to see not only your driver’s license, but will now also be asking to see, as required by law, proof of auto insurance.
The following is a brief overview of new laws and their respective fine amounts associated with violations:
*Note: Fine amounts listed are for Milton Municipal Court and may be higher if stopped in another jurisdiction.
The Milton Police Department is asking drivers to please note that these new laws require BOTH insurance when operating a motor vehicle AND proof of automobile insurance. Failure to do either may result in a citation being issued. If any of you has questions about the new law and what is required, please contact the Milton Police Department at 808-6910 or by e-mail at miltonpd@charter.net.